Summer in Alta Badia
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Informative mailings in acc. with art. 13, law 196/2003 (Personal data treatment law):
We would like to inform you, that the provided data is stored electronically and is used for replying to your request and the activation of an information service in favour of the transmitter. The transmitter can exercise his rights in accordance with art. 7, law 196/2003 at all times.

In accordance with article 196/2003 I authorize the transmission of provided data to the data controller (Farm Silvestro - Ciampidel, 45 - 39030 S.Cassiano) for the purposes of receiving commercial information and news.
Yes, I authorize the transmission of my personal details.
Logo Red Rooster
Logo Alta Badia
South Tyrol - Dolomiti - Alta Badia
it - de - en
Farm Silvestro of Agreiter Robert - Ciampidel, 45 - 39036 S.Cassiano - T +39 0471 847358 - E - Vat id 02215140217
CIN: IT021006B5LIPDB83L - copyright ©